High-Five Fridays #4

#1. The Town Cleaners Bookstore: On a palimpsest (I love that word) of small businesses occupying the same building in Chicago, Keith Phipps also Has a Blog via, The Double-Breasted Dust Jacket

#2. Death Photo of War Reporter Pyle Found: 63-years after his death, the first publication of battlefield photo of the remains of Ernie Pyle, one of the best-loved and widely-read correspondents in WWII, Comcast.net News, Associated Press

#3. The 10 Star Wars Toys that Unintentionally Look Like Other Celebrities: Eerie plastic lookalikes to tickle the geek quadrant of your brain, Topless Robot via BoingBoing

#4. Comment: On Misperception and Making The World: Rant on the twee and condescending way the media discusses (and creates) the presumed extinction of independent bookstores, The Written Nerd

#5. Vintage Girly Magazines: Blog archive of scanned pin-up magazines and strip-tease reels (I was going to reserve this one for Silent Porn Star or Slip of a Girl but alas, no takers)

Find out how to give your High-Five Fridays here!

The purpose of this meme is to give high-fives to 5 people, posts, blogs and/or websites you’ve admired during the week. I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 5 high-fives on Friday. Trackbacks, pings, linky widgets, comment links accepted!
Visiting fellow High-Fivers is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your High-Fives in others comments (please note if NWS).

Find more High-Five Friday folks here!

9 thoughts on “High-Five Fridays #4

  1. Other than the last two links posted in #5, I’ve never been to any of these sites — you have provided me with many a new haunt! (Not to mention your own blog; you have some fantastic things here.)PS I’m a NWS blog 😉


  2. Been visiting here awhile now — both SPS and my hubby have been emailing me links, but I’m often too tired (lazy) to post. Today, however, being a High-Five Friday, I now christen your blog. ;)(By the way, hubby is, among other things, the blogger at Double-Breasted Dust Jacket. He’ll appreciate the cool fact you bring him — lord knows, I take it away lol)


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