Newish Blogs

In my extended period of summer blogging interia I found some new resources that having been awaiting a plug.

Here’s two newish projects from Jim Linderman, author of Take me to the Water: Immersion Baptism in Vintage Music and Photography 1890-1950 (blogging at Dull Tool, Dim Bulb):

1. A blog supporting his up-coming book on the lost art of hand-painted photographic backgrounds The Painted Backdrop–still under construction but already featuring some tantalizing imagery like this:

2. Camera Club Girls: The Work of Rudolph Rossi (tame but probably NWS). Jim’s description:

“The extraordinary hand-painted photographs of Rudolph Rossi. Rossi was an informal member of the New York City Concorde Camera Club in the repressive 1950’s. For a ten dollar fee, he photographed Bettie Page and a plethora of interracial models, then later meticulously hand-painted the photographs creating the illusion of color photography. An exceptional body of work by a previously unknown and unrecognized photographer and erotic artist from a time when such activity was taboo.”

Both are worth a look and I’ll add them to the side-bar in the appropriate categories.

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