New Favorite Thing

Headed to the Upper East Side yesterday to pick up my Craigslist-find Paradigm surround speakers (which rock BTW), and stopped by a thrift store that I haven’t visited in a while.

Last time there I saw a great vintage wooden toy but since it was pricey–and I wasn’t sure I could eBay it for more than the sticker–I let it go. In the succeeding months though I couldn’t forget the thing, so I took a long shot that it might still be there.

Went in. Looked around. Didn’t see it. Deflated.

I noticed the same volunteer clerk from previous and asked her about the toy. She lit up, recognized me instantly and was overjoyed that I came back since the manager wanted her to throw it away. She knew how great it was though and just stashed it in the bottom of a stuffed animal bin.

Heart-warming, no? I even got a discount.

Here it is:

A child-size rotary-phone from the Brio Company in Sweden, founded in 1884 and still active today (in fact our friend’s kid has a Brio toy crane that he has to fight me for whenever we visit). It’s about 3 1/2″ tall, 4″ wide. I can’t find date information but judging by the typography on the Brio label, I’d guess mid-60s. It has a nice weight, makes a satisfying light clunking sound when you replace the receiver, and the rotary dial is spring-loaded and returns to the start position when released.

Anyway I’m keeping it. I tried using a rotary phone a few years ago and it was exhausting. We were a hardier breed back then.

I love the idea of a toy representing something that has evolved into a new form. It’s original purpose was to familiarize a child with adult tools, but now it would just be mystifying. Maybe when kids visit they can pretend they’re in Madmen or something.

One thought on “New Favorite Thing

  1. It's an adorable purchase as a collectable or toy. I still have and use a rotary phone, but it does make my sad to think that its lovely style will be replaced and forgotten by the cell phone. I know very few people who still even have landlines.


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