Last Weekend’s Haul

Two glorious sunny days full of bike-riding, stoop sales and a street fair. Good times.

Here’s my haul from the weekend. (click on the image to view in Flickr w/ thrift-o-vision annotations). These are part of the “Junk in Your Trunk” pool devoted to documenting yard sale and thrift hauls.

Best find was the 1941 yearbook from the “Dutch Treat” social club filled with fantastic girly art and even a pop-up. I’m going to break this out into a separate blog post, it’s so nice.

The cupcake tin and shawl are for the Missus.You have to bring a few of those home if you want to get away with the smut and video games. It’s a yin-yang thing.

2 thoughts on “Last Weekend’s Haul

  1. You always get such great stuff. I'm super jealous. (You know what, though? I have severe “book blindness.” I go someplace and a naked dude with cake could be standing there, and I'd push pass him without even noticing to get to the books. I have got to work on this.)


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