
Jim Linderman posted a fine testimonial to my store over on his Vintage Sleaze Blog:

He is a “value-added” bookseller…that is, he knows his material and he willingly shares the information. If a book like one of those above was written by a hungry REAL writer with a pseudonym, he’ll tell you who he was. If a title affects him in a particular way, he will take the time while cataloging it for sale to tell you why.

William leans towards the unusual and curious, as any serious book hound should. His prices are low. His service is high. He will reasonably repair and restore your rare paperbacks…He has a fabulous set of links. He is honest and entertaining and his website/blog/bookstore is the same.

[Blushing] I must cop to the fact that I’m not as nice or as helpful as Jim describes but this at least gives me something to shoot for.

We may get stuck in a Mexican standoff of mutual appreciation but Mr. Linderman is an outstanding image-archaeologist who has compiled a shelf-ful of worthy and unique photographic histories. A few highlights:

Camera Club Girls captures the–somewhat–innocent early days of private pinup photography through the work of one artist who meticulously and beautifully hand-tinted his photos.

In Situ: American Folk Art in Place presents a beautiful collection of outsider art and roadside attractions mostly through the vanished medium of the real photo postcard.

And his Vintage Sleaze Blog regularly presents art and ephemera that is totally new to me and gets me salivating with acquisitiveness. Witness this Charles Mingus 7″ with art by sleaze grandmaster Gene Bilbrew from his most recent post:

You can find a catalog of his book and blog projects here.

Thanks for the shoutout Jim!

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