Obscure Publications for Sophisticates

I found a few pieces of naughty book trade ephemera that I thought I’d share.

First this set of bookstore tickets / trade labels from The Coffee N’ Culture Book Shop in Corydon, Indiana. Both were pasted into a 1964 Grove Press paperback of City of Night by John Rechy.
The upper label seems fairly above board, and even community oriented, since they produced the town’s local paper.

Below that though is another label–same typeface, same border–offering “Obscure Publications for Sophisticates – Adults Only” with a PO Box in Denver, Colorado. I’m guessing the Indiana obscenity laws were strict and this bookseller had a little something on the side out of state and used this second label to inform worldly readers who were browsing things like the Grove Press.

Next this bound in subscription card “inaugurat[ing the] happy American exile”of the Olympia Press, found in a Bee-Line release of The Demon’s Feast by Louise Walbrook in the Traveller’s Companion Series:

(click for larger version)

I just listed a tall stack of the New York Ophelias and Traveller’s Companions. Check them out if you’re feeling sophisticated.

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