The Third Lust

Title: The Third Lust (BEACON B586F K)
Author: George Simon
Artist: Unknown
Year: 1963

“The well-cared-for women in their well-tended homes had time on their hands–time to pursue the new community pastime…Lesbianism!”

Categories: 1960s Sleaze and GGA, Lesbians and Lesbiana

The Path Between

Title: The Path Between (MIDWOOD No. 72)
Author: Jay Warren
Artist: Paul Rader
Year: 1961

“The bizarre world of the outcast sex–women who seek their pleasure with other women….Ellie could not understand what mysterious force it was that threw up this terrible barrier. That forced her to take the path between a man’s love for a woman and a woman’s love for a man.”

Categories: 1960s Sleaze and GGA, Lesbians and Lesbiana

Sin Show

Title: Sin Show (Midnight Reader MR 403)
Author: Don Holliday
Artist: Unknown (likely Robert Bonfils or Harold McCauley)
Year: 1961

“They sold sawdust and sex in a rolling Love-Circus! Passion for sale on a midway of loose living women and sex-hungry men. Here they are–a side show of warped morals and animal heat among the girlie shows and con games of a sucker paradise that knows no bounds.”

Categories: 1960s Sleaze and GGA