Passion in White

Title: Passion in White (NT 3004)
Author: Richard Raymond
Artist: Unknown
Year: 1965

“I’ve got to work for a doctor to prove to myself that I’m not those things they called me at the hospital before they fired me. I’m not a disobedient nurse, no matter what they said.”

Categories: 1960s Sleaze and GGA, Lesbians and Lesbiana

The Path Between

Title: The Path Between (MIDWOOD No. 72)
Author: Jay Warren
Artist: Paul Rader
Year: 1961

“The bizarre world of the outcast sex–women who seek their pleasure with other women….Ellie could not understand what mysterious force it was that threw up this terrible barrier. That forced her to take the path between a man’s love for a woman and a woman’s love for a man.”

Categories: 1960s Sleaze and GGA, Lesbians and Lesbiana

Take Me Home and Twilight Girls

Title: Take Me Home (MONARCH BOOKS 120)
Author: Fletcher Flora
Artist: Harry Schaare
Year: 1959

“An unconventional story of beautiful Ivy Galvin and her strange emotional involvement with two men–and a woman.”

Title: Twilight Girls (GOLD STAR IL7-73)
Author: Sherry Dale
Artist: Harry Schaare
Year: 1965

“They paid a terrible price for their kind of love….Nikki Carr always prided herself on being ‘well adjusted’ to her lesbianism. Not for her was the man’s shirt and tie. She was as feminine as any girl had a right to be.”

Categories: 1950s Sleaze and GGA, 1960s Sleaze and GGA, Lesbians and Lesbiana